Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

25th Czech Studies Meeting in Munich

On March 5, 2021, Vojtěch Malínek and Anna Gnot presented the Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure and its projects at a regular event organized by the Collegium Carolinum in Munich.

Vojtěch Malínek presented our entire bibliographic infrastructure in his online paper ‘Die Tschechische literarische Bibliographie’, Anna Gnot presented the project ‘Which Czech writers Ota Filip introduced to German-speaking audience – quantitative and archival research of cultural mediation phenomenon’.

more information about the meeting (in German)

Tschechische literarische Bibliographie (ČLB): kurze Vorstellung des Forschungsstands (Vojtěch Malínek)

Which Czech writers Ota Filip introduced to German-speaking audience: quantitative and archival research of cultural mediation phenomenon (Anna Gnot)