Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Czech Literature in Translation

Number of records:20 000+ (in the binary file)
Scope:book translations of Czech literature, both fiction and non-fiction
Timeframe:from 1538 to the present
Source languages:mainly books originally written in Czech
Number of target languages:80
How to cite:Czech Literary Bibliography. Czech Literature in Translation Database. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institution. Available at: https://preklady.ucl.cas.cz/. Accessed: [DATE].
How to acknowledge:This research was carried out using the Czech Literature in Translation Database maintained by the Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure – https://clb.ucl.cas.cz/ (ORJ code: 90243).
Dataset To Download:https://clb.ucl.cas.cz/en/datasets-to-download/
License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

Database description

The bibliographic database holds records on book translations of Czech literature into all available languages. The scope is defined by the need to overcome the language barrier when translating from Czech. Therefore, it primarily includes texts originally written in Czech. Translations from other languages are only included if the author published at least one book originally written in Czech. In terms of genre and subject matter, the database covers the full range of translation production, i.e., both fiction and non-fiction, including scientific, technical, travel literature and more.

It is a partial database derived from existing freely available bibliographic catalogues. The records have been systematically checked and enriched with the information necessary for the study of literature in translation, in particular the title of the original, the target language, the intermediary language, the country of publication, the elementary genre classification and, where possible, the translator. The bibliographic endeavour has mostly focused on the choice of records on prose, poetry and drama, the fully processed records of which are available through the common search engine. The complete database of over 20,000 records is available for research purposes as a MARC binary file. This partial database is the first steppingstone in building a more complete database of Czech Literature in Translation. A gradual expansion and cleaning are envisaged.

The creation of this database was supported by the “Memory in the Digital AgeAV21 Strategy research programme of the Czech Academy of Sciences.