Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Edward J. Gray, Ph.D. – Workflows in the SSH Open Marketplace: How to valorize and share research processes

3. October 2023 (09:00), Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, Na Florenci 1420/3, Prague, Upper Conference Hall

The LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ and the Czech Literary Bibliography invite you to Edward J. Gray’s lecture entitled Workflows in the SSH Open Marketplace: How to valorize and share research processes. This talk will introduce the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery portal which pools and contextualizes resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities, including tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. Special attention will be given to the last category of workflows.

Edward J. Gray is the Research Infrastructure Coordinator at the TGIR Huma-Num (CNRS) and the Officeer for National Coordination at DARIAH ERIC, the European Research Infrastructure for the Digital Arts and Humanities. He is currently on the Editorial Board for the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery platform for digital humanities tools and services born from the SSHOC Project.


pozvánka na přednášku Edwarda J. Graye 3. 10. 2023