Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

New excerpts from Belgium and Germany acquired by the CLB

The end of May and the beginning of June marked a period of foreign research visits for our excerptors, whose aim was to obtain materials for the expansion of the database Bibliography of Czech Literary Exile (1948–1989).

Gabriela Romanová and Michal Přibáň travelled to Munich, where they visited the library of the Collegium Carolinum research institute and took photographs of the exile press from the estate of journalist Vladimír Pekelský for the excerption purposes. M. Přibáň’s research goal was also to examine the correspondence of J. Škvorecký and O. Filip, which is stored in the Bavarian State Library.

Our colleague Pavel Nevyhoštěný brought photographs of Czech and Slovak exile periodicals from the Exile Writers’ Fund at the Archives et Musée de la Littérature in Brussels.

Thanks to these trips, we can supplement the database created within the NAKI III project with data from other documents that are not available in the Czech Republic, for example the periodicals such as Tribuna, Hlas exilu, Čas Čechoslováků v Anglii and many others.