Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Advancing Metadata-driven Research and Curation Methodology for Literary Studies

This project seeks to advance the existing experimental European Literary Bibliography (ELB; literarybibliography.eu), a research infrastructure established in 2020 as a joint project of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) and the Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences. While the ELB aggregates and makes available literary metadata from a number of diverse European resources (libraries, repositories, bibliographies), the project will contribute to a more consistent harmonisation and unification of the multilingual data by creation of the improved methodology for data cleaning and data enrichment workflows. Furthermore, the project will tap into the research potential of the aggregated datasets through an exploration of the current bibliographical metadata research. Lastly, project implementation will also enhance the existing methods for data extraction and incorporation of new datasets, making it easier for new stakeholders to share their data through ELB.

Title:Advancing Metadata-driven Research and Curation Methodology for Literary Studies
Identification Code:PAN-24-19
Project Duration:1. 1. 2024 – 31. 12. 2026
Investigator ICL:Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D.
Investigating Team:Mgr. Anna Gnot, Ph.D., Mgr. Pavla Hartmanová, Ph.D., Mgr. Dominik Melichar, Mgr. Iveta Mikešová, Mgr. Gabriela Romanová, Mgr. Ondřej Vimr, Ph.D.
Partner:Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN)
Grant Provider:Czech Academy of Sciences
Mobility Projects Programme