Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Literary Samizdat Bibliography Section in Warsaw

In the second week of January, colleagues from the Literary Samizdat Bibliography Section went on a visit to the Polish sister institution Instytut Badań Literackich in Warsaw. The Polish colleagues Piotr Wciślik and Jan Olaszek were the main guides and discussion partners for the Czech expedition. Among the topics of joint discussions were, for example, the future of merging the Czech and Polish bibliographies of unofficial culture, as well as further samizdat research cooperation and joint publishing opportunities.

During their stay, the four-member group from Prague also had the opportunity to visit the institutions Centrum Archiwistyki Spolecznej and Ośrodek Karta, to learn about their activities and unique archival documents of the Polish second circulation.

All of them also participated in the final summit of the international nep4dissent project implemented within the European COST action.