Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

The Literary Samizdat Bibliography Section has begun processing anthologies

In addition to the article bibliography of samizdat periodicals, with over 16.000 records from more than a hundred titles, the Literary Samizdat Bibliography team has begun processing literary non-periodical anthologies.

Gabriela Romanová says: ‘As usual, the main source of material is the Libri Prohibiti Library, however, we also process copies stored in personal archives, especially from the circle of the surrealist samizdat. Researchers can look forward to a bibliography of prestigious anthologies published within samizdat editions, selected literary contributions from jubilee anthologies dedicated to important personalities of the Czechoslovak culture, or a complete bibliography of anthologies of the Prague underground.’

Access to the database of samizdat anthologies: https://vufind.ucl.cas.cz/Search/Results?filter[0]=info_resource_str_mv%3A%22Bibliografie%20samizdatu%22&filter[1]=format%3A%22Book%20Chapter%22&type=AllFields&fbclid=IwAR3hANnU78a1xrVhJUwch2CZQSb9yWlNzUQOCyCZgZDMmrUU0jrxZTBaGrE

More about the Bibliography of the Czech Literary Samizdat: https://clb.ucl.cas.cz/en/database/czech-literary-samizdat-bibliography/