Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Almanacs, Calendars, and Yearbooks in the Czech Lands 1801–1945

Number of records:6,500+ (as of 22 May 2024)
Excerption range:30+ calendars (as of 22 May 2024)
List of processed calendars (.xlsx)
Scope of exception:Czech and world literature (including translations and minor genres such as jokes, cartoon jokes, etc.), literary science essays, theatre, journalism, texts on cultural and social life)
Excerpted material:calendars, almanacs, yearbooks with literary content
Languages:Czech, German, marginally Yiddish, Slovak
How to cite the Almanacs, Calendars, and Yearbooks in the Czech Lands 1801–1945 database:Czech Literary Bibliography. Almanacs, Calendars, and Yearbooks in the Czech Lands 1801–1945 database. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institution. Available from: http://alkaro.ucl.cas.cz/
Dataset to download:https://clb.ucl.cas.cz/en/datasets-to-download/
License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

Database description

The excerpts for the analytical database ALKARO were launched in March 2023 in connection with the start of the project Almanacs, Calendars, and Yearbooks in the Czech Lands 1801–1945 funded by the NAKI III programme of the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic.

In the years 2023–2027, the ALKARO database will gradually excerpt selected calendars, almanacs and yearbooks published in the Czech lands between 1801–1945 (with slight overlaps in both directions), thus enriching the Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature with titles that have often been on the periphery of literary science. The titles to be excerpted are selected in terms of their relevance to the Czech Literary Bibliography.

The scope of the excerpts covers texts of Czech fiction (including minor genres such as jokes, cartoon jokes, riddles and proverbs), primary and secondary texts in German, translations from world literature, literary criticism and related disciplines with a connection to literature (theatre, history, journalism), texts on contemporary cultural and social life. The excerpts follow the digitization provided by the Moravian Library – primarily digitized sources are excerpted, so all records contain a link to the National Digital Library (or similar repository), always on the first page of the excerpted text.