Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Digital Journal Archive

Number of records:350 000+ pages
Number of titles:48 journals
Scope of excerption:mainly Czech literary and cultural journals, occasionally daily periodicals
Excerpted material:journals
Time frame:19th century to present
Languages:Czech, Slovak
How to cite:Digital Journal Archive [online]. Prague: Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences [accessed yyyy-mm-dd]. Available at: http://archiv.ucl.cas.cz/.
How to acknowledge:Work on [title of book or research project] was carried out using the Digital JournalArchive, which is operated by the Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure – https://clb.ucl.cas.cz/ (ORJ code: 90243).

Database description

The digital journal archive includes a collection of 48 Czech literary and cultural journals from the 19th century to present. The oldest digitised journals in the collection include Česká včela [The Czech bee], Humoristické noviny [The humorous newspaper], Posel z Budče [The Budeč messenger], and Světozor [The world view].

The ICL digital journal archive has been under gradual development since 2001, motivated by the rapid deterioration of physical journal holdings and increasing demands on their usage. The selection of individual titles was based on physical condition and lending frequency.

In 2020, contents of the digital journal archive were linked to the records of the Czech Literary Bibliography, so that users may now access the full text of more than 40,000 documents from the CLB database.

The digital journal archive was created in cooperation with the Theatre Institute, Masaryk Institute, and Archive of the CAS. The archive is made exclusively available to non-commercial scholarly and research purposes on the basis of individual users. The use of reproductions in print or electronic publications is allowed with advance written permission by the ICL CAS and on condition of proper credit and citation.