Edice Bibliographica was established in 2016 and is used to publish specialized bibliographies involving literary studies and associated disciplines, as well as professional and methodological publications on bibliographical subjects. Emphasis is placed on publishing personal bibliographies of prominent figures in Czech literary and cultural life, bibliographies of prominent periodicals and special-subject bibliographies with accompanying notes. The first volume was symbolically devoted to a bibliography of the long-standing ICL bibliographer František Knopp.
This series is based on the Czech Literary Bibliography research infrastructure.
The following volumes have been published to date:
- MELICHAR, Dominik. Krocení nestvůr nevědomosti: Societas incognitorum eruditorum a článková bibliografie časopisu Acta incognitorum (1976–1988) [Taming the Monsters of Ignorance. Societas incognitorum eruditorum and a Article Bibliography of Acta incognitorum magazine (1976–1988)]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute, 2023. ISBN 978-80-7658-075-6. DOI
- FLANDERKA, Jakub. Článková bibliografie časopisu Dialog (1966–1969, 1990–1992) [Article bibiliography for Dialog Magazine (1966–1969, 1990–1992)]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute, 2022. ISBN 978-80-7658-057-2. DOI
- HOLEČEK, Lukáš (ed.). Anketa o knihu roku Lidových novin [A literary survey of “the most interesting book of the year” by Lidové noviny (1928–1949)]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7658-041-1. Content PDF
- MALÍNEK, Vojtěch, Oborová analytická bibliografie: Metodika zpracování [Methodology for compiling a specialist analytical bibliography]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute, 2020. Online
- HOLANOVÁ, Markéta Ř. (ed.). České oborové bibliografie [Czech Specialist Bibliographies]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute, 2017, ISBN 978-80-88069-46-1. Online
- JANÁČEK, Pavel – ŠÁMAL, Petr – ZACH, Aleš. Bibliograf František Knopp [The Bibliographer František Knopp]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute, 2016, ISBN 978-80-88069-22-5. Online
Also forthcoming:
- VEČEŘOVÁ, Petra. Knihtiskaři Jiří Jakubův Dačický a jeho syn Jan Othmar – bibliografie a typografický katalog [Book printer Jiří Jakubův Dačický and his son Jan Othmar – bibliography and typographical catalogue]. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute.