Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Past events

18. June 2024 —
21. June 2024
10:00 DARIAH Annual Event 2024
10. June 2024 —
12. June 2024
09:00 — 17:30 ExploreCor: Using Programmable Corpora in Computational Literary Studies
4. June 2024 —
7. June 2024
09:00 DH Benelux Conference 2024
22. April 2024 —
23. April 2024
10:00 Conference Blind Spots in Literary Translation from/into Czech
9. April 2024 12:00 Anna Gnot’s lecture and workshop in Opole
8. December 2023 —
9. December 2023
11:00 Conference Translation Studies and the Digital Humanities v Hong Kongu
30. November 2023 10:30 10th anniversary celebration of Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej
29. November 2023 —
30. November 2023
09:00 — 16:45 Conference Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World
21. November 2023 —
23. November 2023
12:00 CZEDUCON. Conference on Internationalisation of Higher Education
16. November 2023 —
18. November 2023
18:00 Conference Exilanten aus Ungarn, Jugoslawien und der Tschechoslowakei 1945–1989 (Exiles from Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia 1945–1989) 
9. November 2023 09:00 Conference Humanities and Social Sciences from the Perspective of Digital Humanties
8. November 2023 19:00 Literary pub quiz
2. November 2023 09:30 6th National Day of Czech Large Research Infrastructures
3. October 2023 09:00 Edward J. Gray, Ph.D. – Workflows in the SSH Open Marketplace: How to valorize and share research processes
2. October 2023 14:00 — 15:30 Edward J. Gray, Ph.D. – How Research Infrastructure Empowers SSH Researchers