Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Open Bibliodata Workflows Project

The Open Bibliodata Workflows project aims to describe existing research and curatorial workflows related to bibliographical data [bibliodata] and publish them as the SSH Open Marketplace’s Workflows and to create a collective paper discussing workflow creation for bibliodata. These goals will be achieved through organising a workshop in the form of booksprint that will be aimed to create both the documentation of existing workflows aligned with the SSHOC workflow data model and the collective study. The project outputs will be presented during the DARIAH Annual Event 2024 in Lisbon.

The implementation of this project is a logical continuation of the Bibliographical Data Working Group activities. It gathers and publicly presents the best practices of the current bibliodata related projects in a form of workflows and simultaneously showcases the importance of the SSH Open Marketplace environment as the crucial interface for collecting, presenting and sharing such type of documents to the wider community.


1. Organising workshop-booksprint Open Bibliodata Workflows, 2.–5. 10. 2023, Prague, 15 participants.

2. Workflows for the SSH Open Marketplace

3. Collective paper

  • Malínek, V., Umerle, T., Gray, E., Heibi, I., Király, P., Klaes, C., Korytkowski, P., Lindemann, D., Moretti, A., Panušková, Ch., Péter, R., Tolonen, M., Tomczyńska, A. and Vimr, O. (2024) ‘Open Bibliographical Data Workflows and the Multilinguality Challenge’, Journal of Open Humanities Data, 10(1), p. 27. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5334/johd.190

4. Conference panel

  • Discussing SSH Open Marketplace Workflows: User Experiences, Editorial Policy and Future Development. DARIAH Annual Event 2024, 19th June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12580109
Grant provider:DARIAH ERIC
DARIAH Theme 2022
Project Duration:19. 1. 2023 – 30. 6. 2024
Investigator: Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D.