Vojtěch Malínek: CLS INFRA training SCHOOL (10–12/6/2024, Vienna)
Vojtěch Malínek, Tomasz Umerle, Mikko Tolonen, Agnieszka Karlińska, Matteo Romanello, Giovanni Colavizza, Silvio Peroni, Dorota Siwecka, Jakub Łubocki, Nanette Rißler-Pipka, David Lindemann, Penny Labropoulou, & Christiane Klaes: Fostering Collaboration to Enable Bibliodata-driven Research in the Humanities (10–14/7/2023, ADHO Digital Humanities Conference 2023 in Graz)
Vojtěch Malínek: Current Situation in European Bibliographies for the Humanities (30/3/2023, Digital Memory Seminar)
Patryk Hubar, Nikodem Wołczuk, Dariusz Perliński, Róbert Péter a Vojtěch Malínek: Presentation Literarybibliography.eu: harmonizing European bibliographical data on literature (24/11/2022, DH_Budapest_2022 & DARIAH DAYS)
Sally Chambers: Cultural Heritage (Bibliographical) Data as Humanities Research Data (12/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Tomasz Umerle, Vojtěch Malínek: Investigating Relationships of Bibliographical Metadata and Textual Analysis to Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration (12/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
José Calvo Tello, Nanette Risler-Pipka: No, the Library Catalogue Does Not Follow FRBR and Here Are Some Reasons (12/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Kamil Pawlicki: Changes in Cataloguing of Literary Works Related to the Introduction of National Library of Poland Descriptors (12/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Ondřej Vimr: FRBR, Library Catalogues, Bibliographies, or What Do We Need to Carry Out Research into Literature (12/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Péter Király, János Káldos: FRBR from the Perspective of Book History: Problems, and Suggestion (12/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Osma Suominen: Automated Generation of Subject Headings using Anif and Finto AI (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Antoine Doucet: Semantic Enrichment of European Historical Newspapers in the NewEye Project (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Agniezska Mikołajczyk Bareła: Automated Generation of Keywords from the NLP Perspective (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Ioanna Grypari: Implementation of Fields of Science and Sustainable Development Goals Automated Classification Systems in OpenAIRE (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Mikko Tolonen, David Rosson: Show & Tell of Prototypes of the Reception Reader and Semantic Search Interfaces Developed in High-Performance Computing for Historical Discourse Detection Project (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Matteo Romanello: Impresso — Media Monitoring of the Past (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Márton Németh: Bibliographical Metadata and Web Archives (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
David Lindemann: LOD-infication of Bibliographical Data Using Free Software: CLB Wikibase (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Penny Labropoulou, David Lindemann: LexMeta: A Linked Open Metadata Model for Bibliographical Data of Dictionaries (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Giovanni Colavizza: Wikipedia Citations: Opening up Wikipedia as an Altmetric Resource (13/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Ylva Sommerland: Quantitative Analysis of the Swedish National Bibliographic Data: Case Study (14/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Mathilde Koskas: The National Library of France: A National Library’s Perspective on Open Bibliographic Metadata (14/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Metadata)
Agniezska Karlińska, Cezary Rosiński, Tomasz Umerle: Reusing an Open Metadata Collection to Model and Enrich a Corpus for NLP-based (14/10/2022; Research Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Data)
Mikko Tolonen, Vojtěch Malínek, Tomasz Umerle: Summary and Joint Statement (14/10/2022; Mutual Learning Workshop for Improving Cultural Heritage Bibliographical Data)
Pavla Hartmanová: Mapping the Czech Literary Internet (4/11/2021)
Gabriela Romanová: Čuňas, Nežárka and Mr. Průša – the Issue of Pseudonyms in Samizdat (3/11/2021)
Lukáš M. Vytlačil: Old Songs in a New Era (2/11/2021)
Central and Eastern European Samizdat during the Cold War. (30/9/2021; Comparative and Transnational Perspectives conference)
Central and Eastern European Samizdat during the Cold War. (29/9/2021; Comparative and Transnational Perspectives conference)
Vojtěch Malínek: Czech Literary Internet Project (28/04/2021; Final online workshop of the Czech Literary Internet Project)
Pavla Hartmanová: Analytical Czech Literary Web Bibliography – Challenges and Outputs (28/04/2021; Final online workshop of the Czech Literary Internet Project)
Jiří Trávníček: Digital Reading versus Traditional Reading (28/04/2021; Final online workshop of the Czech Literary Internet Project)
Karel Piorecký: From Artificial Intelligence to Instagram. Several Insights into Digital Literature and Culture (28/04/2021; Final online workshop of the Czech Literary Internet Project)
Vojtěch Malínek: Statistical and Analytical Module (28/04/2021; Final online workshop of the Czech Literary Internet Project)
Anna Gnot: Literary work of Olga Tokarczuk in Czech translations (24/06/2020)
Gabriela Romanová: What Is Samizdat and What a Tough Nut to Crack is for Bibliographers (3/4/2020)