Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Bibliographical Data Working Group Workshop

At the end of last year, the CLB was successful in its grant application for the project “Metadata-based research in art, humanities and social sciences. Work in progress workshop”. The aim of the project is to organise a meeting of the members of the Bibliographic Data Working Group and to invite experts from other fields of metadata-based research, in particular from the arts and social sciences, to share their experiences and approaches to research questions and to enrich the existing BDWG community with further perspectives.

The workshop will take place in the autumn in Prague and will be organised with the financial support of the DARIAH-ERIC consortium, the pan-European infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars.

DARIAH supports the activities of its working groups, including the Bibliographic Data Working Group, co-coordinated by Vojtěch Malínek, which is a key platform for international cooperation of the Czech Literary Bibliography.