Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

1 000 records in the ALKARO database

The thousandth record processed within the new ALKARO project was added to our databases this week.

The five-year project ALKARO – Almanacs, Calendars, Yearbooks in the Czech Lands 1801–1945 started at the beginning of March this year together with the Moravian Library and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University thanks to the support from the NAKI III Programme of the Ministry of Culture.

In this project, one of the main tasks of the CLB is to analytically process the literary content of non-proprietary periodicals – literary almanacs, selected yearbooks and calendars. We have just started with the calendars; you can follow the growing number of entries, which contain a link to the full text of the digitized volumes, here:


More about the ALKARO project here:
