Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

6th National Day of Czech Large Research Infrastructures

On 2nd November 2023, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in cooperation with the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University organize the 6th National Day of Large Research Infrastructures of Czechia. On behalf of our research infrastructure, the conference will be attended by the deputy director Pavla Hartmanová.

This year’s event is subtitled “Illegitimate Influence: building awareness and resilience”. The programme of the conference comprises lectures and debates on the following topics:

  • — Presentation of opportunities and risks of international cooperation in research, development and innovation, including the current status and vision of the Czech Republic;
  • — tools and measures to promote an internationally competitive, strong and independent higher education, science and research sector at international and national level;
  • — raising awareness of the issue of illegitimate influence in research, development and innovation and discussing measures to strengthen the resilience of large research infrastructures;
  • — sharing experiences from the perspective of universities, research organisations and large research infrastructures.

The event will be held in the Czech language only without translation.