On 22–24 November 2023, this year’s edition of the Open Science Programme came to an end. The programme is run by the Czech Academy of Sciences and it allows high school students to experience working in a scientific institution for one year. The Biographical Archive of the Czech Literary Bibliography has participated in this programme for the fifth time.
As every year, the project ended with the Student Scientific Conference, where all students presented the results of their year-long work. Three high school students, who completed their internship in the Biographical Archive under the guidance of the lecturer Petra Večeřová, presented the results of their research on the topic “Authors of Literature for Children and Youth from the 19th to the 21st Century. Visualization of prosopographical data.”
You can see their final presentation in the section Join Our Efforts > Open Science Programme. On the same page, you can also find a short feedback, for which we thank all three students very much.