Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Bibliographic delegation in Poznań

On April 22–29, our colleagues from the Global and Digital Literary Studies Lab and the Current and Literary Samizdat Bibliography Sections visited the Polska Bibliografia Literacka in Poznań. The main topics of the meeting with bibliographers from our sister institution included international cooperation within the Bibliographical Data Working Group DARIAH, analysis and comparison of bibliographic data from both national databases, and preparation of bibliographies of Internet resources.

The stay also included participation in the Dariah.lab promotional event: IBL PAN’s contribution to DARIAH infrastructure, organised by Instytut Badań Literackich PAN and Dariah.lab (April 27).

Polish and Czech bibliographers also shared their working experience and informed each other about the development of individual databases during the Czech-Polish Digital Humanities knowledge exchange session (April 28).

The programme was complemented by a visit to the archive of Polish independent culture (Pracownia Badań Literatury a Kultury Niezależnej at Adam Mickiewicz University). Our colleagues gained a number of experiences and enjoyed diverse encounters with Polish culture. We are extremely grateful for all the experience and contact with our Polish colleagues and look forward to the future ones!

The internship was funded by the project Development of Capacities of the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS for Research and Popularisation (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014701).