Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

First year of the Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989 project behind us

Last March, colleagues from the Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989 project team started to excerpt exile periodicals in order to supplement and improve the previously compiled exile database.

The scope of excerpts has been expanded and compared to previous ones, the new records also contain fiction and foreign literature. Furthermore, we newly excerpt other exile periodicals that did not fit into the original scope.

Over the past year, to the database, which now consists of more than 14,000 entries, has been added for example entries from the Canadian journal Západ, the Munich-based Archa, the theologically oriented periodical Nový život (published in London and Rome), the cultural-literary monthly journal Sklizeň (Hamburg), the Rotterdam-based Modrá Revue, and Hlas domova, a newspaper for expatriates in Australia.

In the gallery, we bring you samples of some of these magazines’ covers.

As part of the five-year project, in addition to a database of the article bibliography of Czech exile magazines of the period, an interactive map showing Czech exile publishers and publishing houses will be created, and an exhibition on the figures of the Czech literary exile will be hosted in the Museum of Czech Literature.

The project Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989 (DH23P03OVV011) is funded by the program to support applied research in the field of national and cultural identity for the years 2023 to 2030 (NAKI III) of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.