Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Lecture by Edward J. Gray – How Research Infrastructure Empowers SSH Researchers

Edward J. Gray will give a lecture entitled How Research Infrastructure Empowers SSH Researchers on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 2 pm in the lower hall of the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS (Na Florenci 1420/3).

Edward J. Gray is a board member of DARIAH, the European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, and in his presentation, he will not only introduce the infrastructure itself as a forum for knowledge exchange and cooperation, but also focus on the platforms that DARIAH provides to researchers, e.g. the SSH Open Marketplace or the DARIAH Campus.

The lecture is organized by the Czech Literary Bibliography research infrastructure in cooperation with the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ research infrastructure.

pozvánka na přednášku Edwarda J. Graye 2. 10. 2023