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New book: Digital Social Media Literature

Palacký University Press published the dissertation of our colleague Pavla Hartmanová entitled Digital Literature of Social Media.

In the monograph, the author introduces a methodological approach that allows to take into account the differences between the various social platforms in the research of digital literature – whether in terms of technical aspects, or in the formation of relationships between users or between the texts themselves. It introduces concepts such as participatory culture, social aesthetics, collective and collaborative modes of writing, network communication, and primary and secondary outline. It focuses on the emergence of virtual communities and their communication strategies. Draws particularly on the insights of Robert Simanowski and Ruth Page.

In the second part of the study, the author applies the described methodological approach to the analysis of the blogoroman Srdce domova (2009) and the amateur literary forum SASPI.

Read more here – https://ucl.cas.cz/produkt/digitalni-literatura-socialnich-medii/