Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Open Bibliodata Workflows Booksprint

This week, a workshop-booksprint organized by the Bibliographical Data Working Group of the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities in Europe (DARIAH-EU) is taking place in Prague, co-coordinated by CLB Director Vojtěch Malínek.

The aim of the several-day meeting of experts from a number of European countries is to jointly prepare industry-relevant workflows – descriptions of workflows for data processing. These will then be published on the SSH Open Marketplace, a platform run by DARIAH-EU that collects and offers resources for research in the social sciences and humanities, including tools, services, datasets and workflows.

On the occasion of the booksprint, Edward J. Gray, who is the coordinator of the DARIAH national centres and is also co-responsible for the development of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) platform, came to Prague to introduce the DARIAH-EU consortium and its services. The event is financially supported by the DARIAH ERIC consortium.