Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Presentation of the project Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989

The project Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989, which started at the beginning of March this year, will be presented in the lower hall of the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS (Na Florenci 1420/3, Prague 1) on Tuesday September 26, 2023 at 2 pm.

Researchers from the Czech Literary Bibliography and the Department of Lexicography of the Institute of Czech Literature, together with representatives of the Museum of Literature (co-researcher of the project), will talk about the goals of the five-year project and its planned outcomes.

Petr Kotyk and Michaela Kuthanová from the Museum of Literature will present the upcoming exhibition dedicated to the Czech literary exile, the digitization of video recordings stored in the archive of the Museum of Literature and a film about the Czech exile. Tomáš Pavlíček will briefly discuss the processing of personal collections in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Literature.

Vojtěch Malínek, Michal Přibáň and Gabriela Romanová from the ICL will present the forthcoming literary map of the Czechoslovak exile, the bibliographic database of exile journals and the monograph on Josef Škvorecký.

The meeting will also be available to watch online on the Google Meet platform: https://meet.google.com/wxa-vpye-ura.

The project Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989 (DH23P03OVV011) is funded by the program to support applied research in the field of national and cultural identity for the years 2023 to 2030 (NAKI III) of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

představení projektu Český literární exil 1948–1989