Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

The Consortium of Czech Literary Studies has two new members

The consortium, which represents the communication between the departments of Czech literary studies outside the Czech Republic, has grown by two new members. They are the Institute of Slavonic and Hungarian Studies of Humboldt University in Berlin and the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the University of Vienna.

Both departments traditionally teach Czech literary studies and their staff members are actively involved in scientific projects both in their countries and in the Czech Republic.

The Consortium of Czech Literary Studies, which currently includes twelve foreign institutions, has been operating at the Institute of Czech Literature and the Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure since 2015. It was established on the occasion of the V. World Congress of Czech Literary Studies.

The aim of the consortium is to mediate communication between foreign departments of Czech literary studies. This is achieved through the newsletter ‘Czech Literary Studies: news from the field’ and the collection of bibliographic data on publications by foreign scholars of Czech literary studies associated in the Consortium.