Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Three-year cooperation project with the Polish Academy of Sciences launched

Within the framework of the bilateral mobility project of the Czech Academy of Sciences, representatives of the CLB participated in a working trip to Poznan, Poland, from 15 to 18 April.

The visit started with a working meeting with our long-term coworkers from the Polish Literary Bibliography, focused on metadata research in literary science. The next task was to develop a platform for easy access to bibliographic data from various scientific or library institutions through a single search engine.

The members of the Czech Literary Samizdat and Exile Bibliography sections also visited the Archiwum Emigracji in Toruń, where they presented their project Czech Literary Exile 1948–1989 and discussed the points of contact between Czechoslovak and Polish emigration.

The last Poznań activity of our colleagues was a meeting with the management of the Faculty of Polish Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University and a presentation of the VuFind search interface for students and staff of the Institute of Slavic Philology of the same university.

The practical part of the presentation will continue next Monday when we welcome the Poznan students in Prague and present them with specific search tips they can use when writing their undergraduate theses on Czech literature.