Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Two trips of the Czech Literary Bibliography to Poland

Last week, a meeting was held in Poznan, Poland, to discuss a new project of the Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. The aim of this project is to create a bibliographic database focusing on Polish Internet literature and literary scene.

A similar project was also carried out in 2017–2021 within the Czech Literary Bibliography. Therefore, our colleague Vojtěch Malínek was invited to the expert group as one of the co-investigators of this project, so he could share examples of good practice and experience gained during the work on the Czech version of the database.

The following day Vojtěch Malínek moved to Warsaw, where he attended the conference on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej IBL PAN, which we have already reported in the post from 29 November 2023.

In the following gallery you can see the photos that our colleague took during his trip: