Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Retrospective Bibliography

The card catalogue contains approximately 1.75 million annotated records from literary and cultural journals that were published in Bohemia, Moravia or Silesia. All articles appear in Czech or German and some 530 periodical titles are represented. These entries include not only critiques of Czech literature from the period but also literary works contributed to journals by their authors or translators; reviews of foreign literature; published photographs and illustrations of Czech writers; subject matter (i.e. non-personal) references and works published under pseudonyms and initials by previously unidentified authors.  The index contains entries for each author’s works, textual references to the author, related subject matter terms, images which the author created and reference images of them. Scans of the card index catalogue are available here thanks to the support of a Ministry of Education grant for project no. VZ09004. An earlier effort to transcribe the 90,000 subject matter entries into an electronic database was only partly completed. That transcription can be accessed in the RET database.