Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Book Series Database

Number of records: 7,500+
Scope:all of Czech literature (fiction and secondary literature)
Materials: publications accessible at the ICL Library, other sources
Time frame: from the 19th century to the present
Languages: Czech, German, Slovak
How to cite the Book Series Database: Czech Literary Bibliography. Book Series Database. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institution. Available at: https://edice.ucl.cas.cz/
License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

The Book Series Database is a secondary database that was established during the cataloguing of the latest fiction acquisitions at the ICL Library. It currently contains over 7500 records that track information about individual book series, their editors and publishers and the breakdown of particular volumes.

Most entries concern volumes that are physically available at the ICL Library, but records are gradually being added for books for which we lack a print copy. Where series include subseries, there is a separate entry for each part. Series with the same name are distinguished by a tag in brackets after their name.