Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Database of Recorded Periodicals

Number of records:almost 2,000
Materials: literary and cultural periodicals, academic journals, regional periodicals, daily press
Time frame:second half of the 18th century to the present
Languages:Czech, Slovak, German, Polish, Russian, French, Bulgarian
How to cite the Database of Recorded Periodicals: Czech Literary Bibliography. Database of Recorded Periodicals. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institution. Available at: https://excas.ucl.cas.cz/
Access to database (Aleph):http://aleph.ucl.cas.cz/excas
License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

Database description

The Database of Recorded Periodicals can be accessed from the CLB website as part of the ICL’s bibliographical resources. This database shows the range and status of periodical titles that are currently being or have been recorded by CLB’s bibliographers. It includes information from both the Retrospective Bibliography (the ECR database) and the Current Bibliography (the ECS database) that runs from 1945 to the present. It also draws on our records about Czech literature of exile, samizdat publications and the literary web.

Entries in the database display basic bibliographical information about these periodicals and any key changes during the recording period (for example, to their publication frequency, publishers or the editorial board).They also show the extent of our records (in annual volumes or years) and the year or volume currently being recorded. Finally there is infomation about the scope of recording, which may occur at one of three levels:

  • 1 = all of Czech and world literature
  • 2 = all of Czech literature
  • 3 = Czech literature excluding fiction

Some entries add other essential information, for example, about the existence of alternative copies for samizdat journals or the recording of only certain columns for content from the Czech literary web.

Users may request titles held at the CAS’s Institute of Czech Literature Library through the links to the library catalogue. For web resources, a hyperlink to the content is provided. Links to online magazine archives and digital libraries are incorporated wherever possible. For samizdat journals, details are also given of the source archive of the recorded title (e.g. Libri prohibiti, the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre or private collections).

Records are supplemented wherever possible. We strive to ensure that (a) the database records individual periodicals from their very first volume and (b) any poorly documented periods such as the early 1970s are later revised and supplemented.

Based on the information in Database of Recorded Periodicals, a decision may be made to stop tracking particular titles if they have not included any literary texts or articles on literary themes for several consecutive years.