Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Literary Awards Database

Number of records:132 (as of 1 February 2025)
Scope:literary prizes awarded and contests held in the Czech lands
Time frame: from 1920 to the present
Languages: Czech, Slovak
How to cite the Literary Awards Database: Czech Literary Bibliography. Literary Awards Database. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institution. Available at: https://ceny.ucl.cas.cz/
License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

Database description

The Literary Awards Database lists literary prizes awarded and contests held in the Czech Republic or the former Czechoslovakia. The entry for each award offers a brief description with details of our main information sources. For each year, the database identifies prizewinning authors along with any relevant works (the names of the judges are also given). If a particular prize has several categories, then it is listed in those categories in each year.

The user’s screen displays just one search field into which the name of the prizewinner (only the surname is required) or the prize may be entered. A list of all prizewinners or all literary awards may also be called up. The Literary Awards Database covers the period from 1961 to the present with an exception for the State Prize for Literature, which has been awarded since 1920. The database currently lists 132 awards, of which 58 are still active.