Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

For researchers and the general public

The CLB team welcomes user feedback and suggestions about our activities. Although we systematically check and verify all records, we cannot rule out potential inaccuracies. 

We particularly appreciate reports of any inaccuracies or factual errors in our databases. These may include wrongly recorded bibliographic citations, incorrectly attributed authorship, other factual errors and even typos. 

We are also grateful for any information from the research community about articles that we may have overlooked. We welcome suggestions of noteworthy new periodicals and information that may help identify authors who are known only by their initials or pseudonyms.

The biographical information in the Czech Biographical Database falls in a special category. We are grateful for any supplementary information about the individuals listed. These details may come from family, friends or researchers and could, for example, include the dates and places of the person’s birth and death or information about any aliases (initials, pseudonyms, etc.). We do not publish any findings whose release is prohibited by law.

In some cases, these findings may be published at a later time based on an agreement with the persons concerned.