Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

How to cite CLB resources

All data from the Czech Literary Bibliography are available to all users online and free of charge in open access mode. Users are required to cite the Czech Literary Bibliography as a source.

Your attributions of the CLB research infrastructure help improve our performance in evaluations and reviews. This in turn allows us to develop more CLB tools for end users. Please be sure to consistently acknowledge your use of the CLB resources and services in your work including academic and more general publications and presentations.

All research and development work produced using the CLB research infrastructure must be recorded in the Czech Information Register of R&D Results as a matter of law. If you are an international researcher, please contact the CLB so that we may register your work on your behalf: clb@ucl.cas.cz.

Forms of citation

Please cite the CLB resources in standard citation locations in your work (e.g. in the bibliography, the first footnote reference and/or list of cited sources).

Examples of in-text attributions
General attribution:

During the work on this text [study/book/…], use was made of Czech Literary Bibliography resources/services (ORJ identifier: 90243).

Attribution to a specific source:

During the work on this text [study/book/…], use was made of the Czech Literary Samizdat/Literary Web /Literature of Exile/… Bibliography database within the Czech Literary Bibliography research infrastructure (ORJ identifier: 90243).

Examples of citations in bibliographies (if possible, please list the CLB resources in the Online Sources and Databases section):
General citation:

Czech Literary Bibliography. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences. Available from: https://clb.cas.cz/.

Specific source:

Czech Literary Bibliography. Czech Literary Web Bibliography.  Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences. Available from: https://internet.ucl.cas.cz/.

Specific search (search query result):

Czech Literary Bibliography.  Search for Karel Čapek – author. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences. Available from: [URL with results for particular query]. Search performed on [search date].

Czech Literary Biographical Database:

Czech Literary Bibliography. Czech Literary Biographical Database. Entry for Karel Čapek. Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institute. Available from: [URL with results for particular query]. Search performed on [search date]

For more information about CLB citations, please contact clb@ucl.cas.cz.