Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Lectures available

CLB staff are pleased to provide information lectures and instructional workshops to visitors from higher education institutes, library organisations and other memory institutions. The subject and scope of these lectures may be adapted to individual requirements.

We also offer lectures or training in the use of our databases to any interested experts or members of the public. These sessions can focus on any aspect of bibliographical work or associated activities, services and research.  

We provide information seminars and lectures to university students both at the start of their studies (e.g. as part of Introduction to Literary Studies courses) and in sessions for more advanced users. Visitors to the ICL library and building may request a guided tour lasting one teaching period (45–90 minutes). We also offer more extensive courses of three (3) to five (5) half-day blocs and full-semester courses to develop practical skills in working with bibliographical databases and related resources.  Lectures may take place outside the ICL premises. 

Along with a general overview, our lectures cover specific databases and areas of CLB research. Topics include:

  • Bibliographic and other sources about particular periods, topics and disciplines in literary studies
  • Literary biographies and authorship attribution
  • Quantitative research with bibliographical data and
  • Using bibliographical data in digital humanities projects

Our standard modules are:

  1. General overview of CLB services (approx.  60–90 minutes)
  2. Practical training with CLB sources (approx. ½ day or 3–4 hours)
  3. Longer seminars for higher education institutions by individual agreement

Please contact us at clb@ucl.cas.cz