Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Open Science Programme

The Czech Academy of Sciences project entitled Open Science is aimed at talented secondary school students. It involves a one-year internship at the Academy of Sciences research institute, where students can familiarize themselves with the operation of the academic establishment and learn to work with a selected research issue and  how to define, analyse and  subsequently deal with it. They will learn to work with relevant literature and sources, as well as how to verify information and draw objective conclusions.

The Czech Literary Bibliography has been involved in this programme since 2019, when it offered those interested an internship at the Biographical Archive. During the internship, those interested familiarize themselves with its operation and organization,  in particular try out individual activities associated with literary biography studies and upon agreement complete an individual project focusing on the practical biographical research of their choice.

No remuneration is attached to this internship.



Czech Literary Figures Afresh: Or you think you know all about them?


The position of Czech literature substantially changed after 1989. Ideological restrictions vanished and the portfolio of published literature expanded. In recent years we have published more than seventeen thousand titles annually, but do we know who the people are behind the creation of this literature? Who are the individual authors, editors and publishers? Do we know which name is a pseudonym and who is behind it or which author is behind certain initials? Come and find out. We help librarians and bibliographers to find their bearings in the labyrinth of book production and to assign individual works to their creators. We help lexicographers create dictionaries, as well as historians in their research.

In 2020 we are focusing on a pilot project to create a prosopographic database of approximately 1,000 authors publishing 1945–2000.


PhDr. Petra Večeřová, PhD.

  • Anna Černá, grammar school pupil
  • Pavlína Lenghartová, grammar school pupil