Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Czech Literary Internet Project: Data, Analysis, Research

This project focuses on the presence of Czech literature on the internet and aims to create a basic information infrastructure to reflect this rapidly evolving field. For this purpose, we apply three different strategies (interlinked core activities):

The first is to compile and record the Czech Literary Web Bibliography, which is one of the project’s main outputs. This bibliographic information is then recorded in our Aleph library system in international MARC21 format using the latest librarianship and information science standards. You can access this database here.

This bibliography creates new opportunities for research into the Czech literary web and literature in the digital environment. This leads us to the project’s second activity. Its main research tasks are to refine the definition of the Czech literary web, discern the basic requirements for bibliographies in this domain and produce a series of critical academic studies. Seven academic papers will be completed during the project.

The project also involves developing software tools for the statistical recording and analysis of bibliographical data. In addition, our IT team will ensure that individual excerpts are linked to their full-text versions. Analysis tools should launch on the CLB website during the first half of 2021.

The project is the work of the Czech Literary Web Bibliography Section. The CLB Scientific Board provides support for its core activities. We work closely with the Webarchiv.cz team on web content presentation issues.

Identification details

Grant provider:Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; EU Research, Development and Education Operational Programme
Identification Code:CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001743
Project duration: 1. 7. 2017 – 30. 4. 2021
Investigator: Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D.
Investigating team: Jan Anděl, Jakub Flanderka, Anna Gnot, Lucie Halabrínová, Pavla Hartmanová, Martin Jiřík, Jana Koliášová, Vojtěch Malínek, Iveta Mikešová, Karel Piorecký, Tereza Pulcová, Marta Škubalová, Sára Dvořáková, Jiří Trávníček

The project is funded from EU structural funds.

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