Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography


INDIHU – Infrastructure for the Digital Humanities

Together with the Czech National Library and other humanities research institutes at the Czech Academy of Sciences, the CLB is involved in the INDIHU project. INDIHU aims to develop software tools that meet the needs of digital humanities research. This includes tools for the organisation of virtual exhibitions, virtual knowledge databases, open-source OCR solutions and shared metasearch engines for the combined search of sources at interlinked institutes.     

Apart from contributing to the work of the investigating team, CLB staff are supporting this project by ensuring the compatibility of our database resources with the shared metasearch engine. With this goal, we have added all required data to the Retrospective Bibliography database in the RETROBI system (this entailed the revision of approx. one million index cards). In preparation for the shared portal, we have also linked the data in our bibliography to our digital publications archive. This involved creating direct links to the digital versions of around 40,000 entries.

More detailed information about this project is available here.

The INDIHU project was undertaken between 2016 and 2020 with help from the Czech Ministry of Culture under the Programme to Support Applied Research and the Experimental Development of National and Cultural Identity (NAKI II).

Identification details

Title: INDIHU – development of tools and infrastructure for the digital humanities
Code: DG16P02B039
Duration: 1. 3. 2016 – 31. 12. 2020
Investigator: Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D.
Investigating team:Jan Mazanec, Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D.
Project participants:    Czech Academy of Sciences Library
Archeology Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, 
Archeology Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Ethnology Institute
Philosophy Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Czech National Library
Art History Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences
Funding provider:  Czech Ministry of Culture