Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Aligning Personal Authority Files

This project aims to align previously unlinked personal authority records in the Institute of Czech Literature databases with the national name authority file at the Czech National Library (CNL). This CNL database is a collectively maintained resource.

National name authority records are standard identifications that allow authors to be clearly and uniformly designated and distinguished from any namesakes. As part of this project, the CLB team is linking existing headings in our bibliographical records with the national name authority file. If an entry is absent from the national database, then a new record is duly established for it. Our work includes identifying and removing duplicate entries and supplementing existing authority records with new findings and fields based on the Resource Description and Access cataloguing rules.

This authority control project is repeated periodically over a ten-month period in each case. This is part of the annual grant process at the Libraries Public Information Service, subprogramme 9/II: Collective Creation and Use of National Authorities Files for Czech Libraries.   

Identification details

Grant provider: Czech Ministry of Culture
Investigator: PhDr. Petra Večeřová, Ph.D.
Investigating team: Ráchel Kuchařová, Jana Chaloupková
Duration: Phase 1: (March)/June – (December)/November 2018
Phase 2: March–December 2019
Phase 3: March–December 2020
Outcomes: Phase 1: In an outcome that exceeded the project target, 18,628 CLB index items were linked to the national authority database and 163 new authority records were added.
Phase 2: 33,498 CLB index items were linked to the national authority database and126 new authority records were added.
Phase 3: At least 18,000 CLB index items were processed. This entailed 1200 hours of work.