Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Current Bibliography Section

Compiling a current bibliography that records all recent publications has been one of the primary challenges for our infrastructure since the early 1960s. The Current Bibliography Section emerged in its present form in the early 1990s when work began on the real-time processing of the latest domestic publications related to Czech literature in an organised database. This is the oldest and largest CLB group, and it efficiently processes the most recent print editions of 300 periodicals and approximately 2000 books every year. 

The main focus of this work is the Czech Literary Bibliography database, which the team not only revises but also expands with new entries and newly discovered facts (particularly author attributions).

The scope of this work is very broad. The section handles academic periodicals (in literary studies, Slavic studies, history, museum and library studies, etc.) along with daily newspapers, general, regional and student literary magazines, anthologies and yearbooks. Some staff also specialise in formats such as books (e.g. academic publications, fiction, dictionaries, encyclopedias, exhibition catalogues, fine-arts monographs) and associated paratexts (author profiles, introductions, annotations, commentaries). More than three quarters of the journals processed are available via the Institute of Czech Literature library catalogue while other titles can be found at other libraries (the National Library and the National Museum Library) or online. Staff of the section not only document contemporaneous publications but also compile specialised bibliographies and publish their own research on bibliographical methodology and practice. In addition, they work on the CLB’s Bibliographica book series, and often present and promote our activities at events and conferences in the field. Lastly, these bibliographers organise regular lectures for CLB database users, particularly higher education students.

Head: Mgr. Anna Gnot, Ph.D.

Contact address: clb@ucl.cas.cz

Mgr. Sára Dvořáková
222 828 113
PhDr. Jakub Flanderka, Ph.D.
222 828 127
Mgr. Magdaléna Fottová
222 828 134
Mgr. Anna Gnot, Ph.D.
222 828 113
Mgr. Lucie Halabrínová
222 828 134
Mgr. Pavla Hartmanová, Ph.D.
222 828 135
Mgr. Lucie Maršíková
222 828 134
Mgr. Iveta Mikešová
222 828 135
Bc. Tereza Slavíková
222 828 113
Mgr. Lenka Sládková, Ph.D.
222 828 135
Mgr. Marta Škubalová
222 828 113
Mgr. Vendula Trnková
222 828 134
Mgr. Jana Vargová
222 828 135
Mgr. Kateřina Zajíčková
222 828 113

Literary pub quiz

From 6 to 12 November, the 3rd annual Week of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is taking place, with scientists from the Institute of Czech Literature participating in various events. Wednesday evening will be devoted to the Literary Pub Quiz, which will be conducted by Františka Schormová and Ondřej Macl at the Hybernská Campus from 7 pm. read more

8. 11. 2023

Anna Gnot’s contribution to the Fourth Workshop of Diachronic Narratology

Anna Gnot from the Current Bibliography Section joined the programme of yesterday’s Workshop of Diachronic Narratology with her presentation Dangerous Memoirs – the case of Ota Filip. In it, she considered the possibilities of looking at Ota Filip’s literary work in the context of research on strategies of using archival materials in literary texts or in reflection on the topic of literacy read more

13. 9. 2023

Cenová bilance 2022

On June 15, the traditional conference Cenová bilance will take place, focusing on contemporary Czech and Slovak literature. The theme will be works of prose and poetry, popular and lesser known, and their critical and readerly reflection. Iveta Mikešová from the CLB will also take part in the programme. read more

14. 6. 2023
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