Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Global and Digital Literary Studies Lab

Established in 2019, the Global and Digital Literary Studies Lab explores synergic approaches to literary and translation studies from a global perspective, combining innovative digital analytical and visualisation methods on the one side and existing sociological, text-oriented and oral-historical method of literary and translation enquiry.

The lab endeavours to develop digital tools for the analysis and visualisation of large-scale data on global literary exchange, especially focusing on the translation and international reception of Czech literature as a typical smaller European literature.

Moreover, we explore theories and methods investigating multifaceted global literary circulation as well as the variegated individual life trajectories of authors, translators, publishers as well as the trajectories of individual works both in terms of publication, translation and reception.

Our key research objectives include systematic charting the global dissemination of Czech literature by aggregating and processing bibliographical data on books and magazines as well as analysing biographical data on translators, authors and publishers of translated literature.

Currently, we are focusing on a Czech Science Foundation-funded project Global Trajectories of Czech Literature since 1945.

Head: Mgr. Ondřej Vimr, Ph.D.

Contact address: vimr@ucl.cas.cz

Mgr. Anna Gnot, Ph.D.
222 828 113
Mgr. Pavla Hartmanová, Ph.D.
222 828 135
Mgr. Vojtěch Malínek, Ph.D.
222 828 132
Mgr. et Mgr.  Charlotte Panušková
222 828 139
Mgr. Ondřej Vimr, Ph.D.
222 828 139

Workshop on using wikidata

This week, an international workshop Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikibase: Usage Scenarios for Literary Studies was held in Berlin, attended by our colleagues Vojtěch Malínek, Ondřej Vimr and Charlotte Panušková. The two-day event was organised by Frank Fischer and Bart Soethaert from Freie Universität Berlin as a part of the Digital Observatory of World Literature project. read more

13. 10. 2023

A study by Julie Miesenböck was published in the journal Translations Studies

Like-minded agents and established consecrators: Czech-to-German poetry translators, 1948–1989, is the title of a study by Julie Miesenböck, one of the researchers of the project Global Trajectories of Czech Literature since 1945. The aim of the project is to map the worldwide dissemination of Czech literature in book form from the end of the Second World War to the present. read more

23. 8. 2023
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