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A study by Julie Miesenböck was published in the journal Translations Studies

Like-minded agents and established consecrators: Czech-to-German poetry translators, 1948–1989, is the title of a study by Julie Miesenböck, one of the researchers of the project Global Trajectories of Czech Literature since 1945.

Translation Studies obalka

The aim of the project is to map the worldwide dissemination of Czech literature in book form from the end of the Second World War to the present. It uses a combination of Big Data analysis and qualitative methods of sociology and translation history.

The study examines the translation of Czech poetry into German during the Cold War period from the perspective of the translators and takes into account selected factors that may have influenced their translation activities. The author then examines the translator Konrad Balder Schäuffelen and the translators of Jaroslav Seifert in more detail.

MIESENBÖCK, Julia: “Like-minded agents and established consecrators: Czech-to-German poetry translators, 1948-1989.” In Translation Studies, 2023, doi.org/10.1080/14781700.2023.2231932