In October 2023 we reported on the Open Bibliodata Workflows Booksprint workshop. We are now pleased to announce that the output of this event – a major study entitled Open Bibliographic Data Workflows and the Multilinguality Challenge – has been published in the Journal of Open Humanities Data 2024/1.
The study was co-authored by a team of fourteen authors, including our colleagues Vojtěch Malinek and Ondřej Vimr and our colleague Charlotte Panušková. The group of researchers presents different approaches to curation and research of bibliographic data, which were discussed in the Open Bibliodata Workflows project.
The first of five workflows proposed by the authors describes the conversion of library data into research datasets. In the other four, the authors discuss the use of specific tools (e.g. OpenCitations, Zotero, Wikibase, etc.) for data-driven research.
However, all of these approaches imply an urgent need to address the issue of multilingualism in bibliodata research, so the authors conclude the study by proposing a preliminary workflow for multilingual bibliodata processing.
This study was financially supported by the DARIAH ERIC consortium within the Open Bibliodata Workflows project.