Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

P. Večeřová’s contribution to the workshop on biographical databases

The Institute of History of the CAS will hold a workshop entitled Biographical Databases – Possibilities and Limits of Electronic Dictionaries and Databases on May 30, 2023. The workshop will include presentations on the current state of the subject and the difficulties related to the topic.

This will be followed by a discussion aimed at sharing participants’ experience with databases and electronic dictionaries.

The programme will also include a presentation by our colleague Petra Večeřová, the head of the Biographical Archive Section of the CLB, who will present a paper on the Database of Czech Literary Personalities – Possibilities and Limits of Creation. In addition to introducing the database, she will describe the challenges and limitations of its development and compare it to other similar databases being built in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The event will take place in the UTAM Conference Hall, Prosecká 809/76, Prague 9.