Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

This year’s addition to the Bibliographica edition

The research infrastructure Czech Literary Bibliography prepares titles for the Bibliographica edition, which publishes specialized bibliographies in the field of literary science or related disciplines, as well as professional and methodological publications with bibliographic themes.

This year, a book entitled Anketa o knihu roku Lidových novin (1928–1949) was published. The book comprehensively presents one of the significant cultural events of the 1930s and 1940s – the poll for the ‘most interesting book’, which was regularly organised by the daily Lidové noviny in 1928–1941 and 1946–1949. In it, you will find not only survey responses by contemporary personalities from various fields, but also, for example, a literary-historical study by Lukáš Holeček, which places the survey in a broader historical context.

More about the book here.