Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Scientific Board

The CLB Scientific Board advises the CLB administration. The Board is composed of renowned experts on library and information studies and Czech literary studies both at home and abroad. These experts ensure the ongoing oversight and evaluation of CLB operations. At the same time, they address strategic issues and formulate recommendations for future development. The Board meets at least once a year in person for an on-site visit. At other times, it communicates electronically. 

The CLB Scientific Board composition for the period 2023–2026:


dr hab. prof. UO Joanna Czaplińska (Uniwersytet Opolski)


Mgr. Michal Frankl, Ph.D. (Masaryk Institute and Archive, CAS)

dr. Claire Madl (CEFRES Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales, Francie/Česká republika)

dr. Nanette Rißler-Pipka (Max Weber Stiftung, Německo)

prof. Mikko Tolonen (University of Helsinki, Finsko)

dr Tomasz Umerle  (Instytut Badań Literackich, Polska Akademia Nauk, Polsko)

Board Secretary:

Mgr. Anna Gnot, Ph.D.

Biographies of the Members of the Scientific Board:

Joanna Czaplińska is a Polish literary scholar and Czech studies specialist and translator who teaches at Opole University. Her work focuses on Czech literature in the second half of the 20th century, particularly popular literature and literature written in exile. She has authored several monographs including Dziedzictwo robota. Współczesna czeska fantastyka naukowa (The Legacy of the Robot: Contemporary Czech Science Fiction) (2001); Tożsamość banity. Problematyka autoidentyfikacji w „młodej“ czeskiej prozie emigracyjnej po 1968 roku (The Identity of the Outlaw: Self-identification in the “Young” Czech Prose of Émigrés after 1968) (2006) and Přidaná hodnota exilu. Úvahy o české exilové literatuře po roce 1968 (Added Value in Exile: Reflections on Czech Literature Wrtten in Exile since 1968) (2014).

Michal Frankl is a Czech historian whose work addresses issues around anti-Semitism and refugee policy in the Czech lands from the 19th century to the present day. He is the former director of the Holocaust Department at the Jewish Museum in Prague and now works at the Masaryk Institute and Archive, CAS. He is also the author of the monographs Emancipace od židů. Český antisemitismus na konci 19. století (Emancipation from the Jews: Czech Anti-Semitism in the Late 19th Century) (2007) and Prag ist nunmehr antisemitisch. Tschechischer Antisemitismus am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts  From Now On, Prague is Anti-Semitic: Czech Anti-Semitism in the Late 19th Century) (2011). He is also the principal investigator for the ERC Consolidator Grant Project Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century.

Claire Madl

Nanette Rißler-Pipka

Mikko Tolonen

Tomasz Umerle is a Polish literary scholar who serves as the deputy director of Polish Literary Bibliography centre at the Polish Academy of Sciences and the coordinator of the DARIAH-ERIC Consortium Bibliographical Data Working Group. His work focuses on literary bibliography and the digital humanities. He is the author of the monographs Trocki – Storczyki – Literatura. Miejsce Literatury w (auto)biografii intelektualnej Richarda Rortyego (Trotsky – Orchids – Literature: The Place of Literature in Richard Rorty’s Intellectual (Auto-)biography) (2015) and Literackie praktyki codzienności. Teoria i studium przypadku (The Literary Practice of Everyday Life: A Theory and a Case Study) (2018).

Members of the Scientific Board in previous periods:

Prof. Alessandro Catalano (Università di Padova) is an Italian literary historian and Czech studies expert and translator. He teaches at the University of Padua and edits the journal eSamizdat. He is the author of several monographs including Rudá záře nad literaturou. Česká literatura mezi socialismem a undergroundem (1945–1959) (Red Glow over Literature: Czech Literature Between Socialism and the Underground (1945–1959)) (2008) and Zápas o svědomí: Kardinál Arnošt Vojtěch z Harrachu (1598–1667) a protireformace v Čechách (The Struggle over Conscience: Cardinal Arnošt Vojtěch of Harrach (1598–1667) and the Counter-Reformation in Bohemia) (2008).

Ing. Jiří Mika is a Czech librarian and literary historian who works with the Institute of Czech Literature. During the 1990s, he contributed actively to the development of the CLB’s IT network among other projects, and he was later the director of the Central Bohemian Research Library in Kladno. He is the author of the biography of Otakar Zachar Mezi alembikem a spilkou (Between the Alembic and the Fermentation Cellar) (2012).

prof. Dr. phil. PhDr. Marek Nekula