Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

Literary Samizdat and Exile Bibliography Section

The Literary Samizdat and Exile Bibliography Section became part of our activities in 2016. This groups deals primarily with dissident Czech magazines and to a lesser extent those of Slovak and Polish origin. These journals date from the 1950s to the early 1990s, with an emphasis on the normalisation period and the time just before the Velvet Revolution.  

The chief sources of this material are the Libri prohibiti library and scriptum.cz website, which feature scans of samizdat journals. Other material stems from the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre archive (now administered by the National Museum) and private collections.

Aside from their bibliographical tasks, staff also contribute to research on post-war eastern bloc alternative culture, the dissident movement and underground literature of the 1970s and 1980s. For these purposes, they often partner with foreign institutions and research networks like the Institute of Literary Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences and the NEP4DISSENT international network. NEP4DISSENT, a beneficiary of the COST research programme, helped compile the Polonica database for Czech samizdat. Another product of international collaboration is Samizdat Past & Present (2019), an English-language anthology of seminal work on samizdat-related issues by leading Czech literary scholars and historians.

Head: Mgr. Gabriela Romanová

Contact address: sambibl@ucl.cas.cz

Bc. Renáta Cebe
222 828 206
Bc. Nikola Dlabajová
222 828 206
Mgr. Anna Gnot, Ph.D.
222 828 113
Mgr. Marta Kellerová Kordíková
222 828 135
Mgr. Dominik Melichar
222 828 206
Mgr.  Pavel Nevyhoštěný
222 828 206
Mgr. Gabriela Romanová
222 828 206
Mgr. et Mgr. Šárka Sladovníková
222 828 206

A brief look across the borders

4 February is the Day of Czechs Living Abroad, which we are commemorating for the fourth year. This date was chosen by the Czechs themselves, and not by chance – on this day in 1628, John Amos Comenius, the “teacher of nations”, went into exile and spent many years away from his homeland. read more

4. 2. 2024

Pavel Nevyhoštěný’s article in Revue Prostor

In the current issue of the literary-cultural review Revue Prostor (120/2023) you will find mainly texts dedicated to the current state of the journalism and the challenges this profession faces in the digital age. A counterbalance in the form of a look into the past is provided by our colleague Pavel Nevyhoštěný, who reflects the samizdat past of the magazine, which is now celebrating 40 years since its founding. read more

19. 1. 2024

Literary pub quiz

From 6 to 12 November, the 3rd annual Week of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is taking place, with scientists from the Institute of Czech Literature participating in various events. Wednesday evening will be devoted to the Literary Pub Quiz, which will be conducted by Františka Schormová and Ondřej Macl at the Hybernská Campus from 7 pm. read more

8. 11. 2023

12 October – International Samizdat Day

The International Samizdat Day was declared in 2016 at the Libri prohibiti library in Prague with the participation of the actors of the 1988 petition. In 1988, ninety-two samizdat publishers sent a letter to President Gustáv Husák in connection with the imprisonment of Slovak publisher Ivan Polanský. read more

12. 10. 2023
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