Česká literární bibliografie Czech Literary Bibliography

New addition to the Bibliographica edition

The Bibliographica edition, published by the research infrastructure Czech Literary Bibliography, includes a publication entitled Article Bibliography of the journal Dialog (1966–1969, 1990–1992).

The author Jakub Flanderka presents the Dialog magazine, which was published in two stages: from April 1966 to August 1969 and then in 1990–1992, in 1990–1991 the periodical was called Severočeský Dialog.

From the beginning, the Dialog magazine has been associated with the specific region of North Bohemia, or rather with the (former) North Bohemian Region. In addition to the issues of environmental devastation, which significantly permeated both stages of the magazine, in the field of culture, literature and art, it focused mainly on the reflection of (contemporary) experimental tendencies in the 1960s, while in the 1990s, its attention turned more to regional themes and historical contexts.

The Dialog magazine is placed in a broader context by the introductory study of J. Flanderka, which summarizes the beginnings and changes of the magazine’s editorial office and the way in which various artistic expressions were reflected there. All these themes are reflected in the rich index section of the publication.